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Issues & Trends
Cereal Foods World, Vol. 63, No. 6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1094/CFW-63-6-0254
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Incremental Innovation in the Milling Industry: A Panel Discussion
Jayne E. Bock1 and Jess Sweley2
1 Wheat Marketing Center.
2 Conagra Brands.


At first glance it seems oxymoronic to couple innovation and milling. After all, the process itself has changed little over the millennia: milling is the sequential processes of particle size reduction and separation. Our means of achieving the final product have become more efficient, but the core principles have remained the same. Few people outside of day-to-day milling operations realize the incremental innovation taking place within the industry. We sent out a brief survey to some of the key leaders in the industry to generate a panel discussion on the innovation taking place within their respective companies. This is an abbreviated transcript of our discussion.

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