Q&A Technical Sessions

Technical session presentations will be prerecorded and available for on-demand viewing during the virtual meeting. The technical sessions themselves will be Q&A only. Attendees will be able to submit questions before and during the Q&A sessions.

How do we meet the growing list of demands of the environmental and health-conscious consumer?

Tech Session Q&A: Fundamental Research - Consumer Demands
  • Removal of starch granule-associated proteins promotes enzymatic hydrolysis of starch granule
  • Impact of phytic acid on functionalities of dietary fiber and plant proteins: an overview
  • Effects of genotype, environment, and fertilization on free asparagine levels in Canadian wheat
  • Comparison of the composition and structural properties of endosperm depleted wheat, rye, oat and maize bran and their impact on in vitro fermentability
  • Effect of condensed tannins on rye and barley protein rheology

Tech Session Q&A: Applied Research - Consumer Demands
  • Contrasting impacts of pre-harvest field Sprouting on the functionality of bread and durum wheats
  • Fortification of baked goods with pulses
  • Altering rheological properties and functionality of Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) flour via tempering
  • Influence of Atmospheric-Air Cold Plasma Treatment on T-2 and HT-2 Degradation and Quality Parameters of Wheat Grains
  • The relationship between wheat free asparagine content and gluten strength

Tech Session Q&A: Processing - Consumer Demands
  • Microwave assisted extrusion: an effective pulse-based snack product development tool
  • Effect of scouring and moisture addition on the quality of roller milled green lentil flours
  • Evaluation of milling methods for Canadian grown pulses
  • Technical and economic viability of integrating dry grind ethanol process and water-based anthocyanin recovery using purple corn

How do we ensure traceability and safe products in the grain industry?

Tech Session Q&A: Traceability & Safe Products
  • Effect of modern breeding on contents of amylase/trypsin-inhibitors (ATIs)
  • Pasta production alters concentrations and enantiomer fractions of ergot alkaloids
  • Deoxynivalenol degradation on barley by atmospheric cold plasma treatment
  • Tracking Residual Activities of Exogenous Amylases in White Bread
  • An analytical modeling approach for the risk assessment and estimation of the adventitious presence of GM grain in a non-GM feed supply chain
  • Vulnerability analysis to determine traceability in a specialty wheat supply chain

How do we innovate faster to meet food security, environmental, and market needs?

Tech Session Q&A: Fundamental Research - Innovate Faster
  • Physico-chemical properties of the glutenin macropolymer: distribution in wheat kernel and mesoscopic structure in the dough
  • Choosing grains for better cookies
  • The hydrogen bond and wheat kernel texture: an alternative to the Puro-indolin concept
  • Structure and function of starch binding domains
  • Gluten and zein interaction: unravelling the enigma by using spectroscopy techniques
  • Effects of Protein Denaturation and Lipid Removal on Rice Gelatinization and Pasting Properties

Tech Session Q&A: Applied Research - Innovate Faster
  • Functional properties of Canada Western Red Spring wheat in relation to the degree of pre-harvest sprouting in the field
  • Influence of tempering condition on kernel crush-response profile and quality traits in hard red spring wheat
  • Home Stone Milling: A Heritage Practice for a Stronger Grain Economy
  • Assessing the technical and economic feasibility of phosphorus recovery from corn dry grind plants
  • Lupin studies to efficiently increase its nutritional potential and application in breadmaking
  • Human perception of whole wheat flavor