Cereal Chem 43:136 - 142. | VIEW
Moisture Equilibrium of Bulgur.
R. E. Ferrel, A. D. Shepherd, R. Thielking, and J. W. Pence. Copyright 1966 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The equilibrium moisture behavior of four different samples of bulgur was determined for a range of temperature and humidity. The bulgurs represented combinations of such parameters of interest as red vs. white wheat, atmospheric vs. pressure cooking, and whole vs. cracked kernels. The temperatures used were 65, 78, and 90 F. and the range of relative humidities (r.h.) was from about 10 to 100%. Mold appeared in all samples at r.h. values of 84% and above in 4 to 46 days, depending upon temperature and r.h. At a given r.h., the equilibrium moisture content decreased with increasing temperature, but the rate of change is lower at higher temperatures. After equilibration by desorption the bulgur was at higher moisture content than after equilibration by absorption. Neither the type of wheat from which it is made, the cooking process, nor the state of subdivision influenced the equilibrium moisture content of bulgur to any great extent.