Cereal Chem 43:207 - 222. | VIEW
Amino Acid Composition of Wheat Flours.
R. Tkachuk. Copyright 1966 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Amino acid compositions are reported of six flours milled from four major types of Canadian wheats. All of the amino acid compositions were found to be quite similar. The results were obtained by automatic ion- exchange chromatographic analysis of 6N HCl and 6N Ba(OH)2 hydrolysates. Recoveries of amino acid nitrogen were approximately 95%. Acid hydrolysis had to be carried out for various intervals, in order to correct for the decomposition of threonine and serine and to obtain an accurate estimate for ammonia content. Enzymatic hydrolysis was also carried out on one of the flours. Analyses of the enzymatic hydrolysates yielded the complete amino acid composition of this flour, including the amount of glutamine and asparagine present.