Cereal Chem 43:384 - 391. | VIEW
A Separation of Anatomical Parts of Barley from the By-Products of Barley Pearling.
E. J. Novacek, C. F. Petersen, and A. E. Slinkard. Copyright 1966 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Preparatory to chick feeding trials for energy determinations, five anatomical parts of the barley kernel were obtained by separating the by-products from the three passes of barley pearling. The separations were based on particle size and/or density and were made on a rebolt sifter and/or gravity separator. Data on all weights of barley, recorded during pearling, and on the subsequent separations of the three by-products were used to calculate each disappearance as a percentge of the barley prior to pearling. A staining-microscopy study was used to partition each of the separations of three by-products into one or more of three anatomical classifications as a percentage of each respective pass. The pericarp and germ were partitioned on the basis of yield from select mixtures. The barley contained 7.74% husk, 0.41% pericarp, 1.29% germ, 7.19% aleurone, and 83.43% endosperm. Accuracy of separation was tested by determining protein on all anatomical parts, and on the whole and pearled barley and by-products. Protein values and percent yields were used to compare calculated and actual protein content of the barley or by-products; agreement was satisfactory.