Cereal Chem 43:475 - 485. | VIEW
Effect of Hexane in Doughs Made with Different Flours, With and Without Added Fat.
J. G. Ponte, Jr., S. T. Titcomb, V. A. DeStefanis, and R. H. Cotton. Copyright 1966 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The addition of 0.64% hexane, flour basis, to conventional sponge doughs made with two groups of flours (one group of 11 commercially milled flours and one group of 15 pilot-milled flours) invariably led to marked improvements in grain score and crumb texture. When the hexane was added to doughs not containing added fat, however, the solvent exerted deteriorating effects on the resulting bread instead of functioning as an improver. The extent of deterioration in the doughs was widely different, depending on the flour employed. For both groups of flours, trends in the positive direction were observed between protein and lipid levels in the flours, and susceptibility to deterioration in the dough systems containing hexane but no added fat.