Cereal Chem 43:585 - 601. | VIEW
Subaleurone Endosperm Cells of High Protein Content.
N. L. Kent. Copyright 1966 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Subaleurone and inner endosperm in the coarse (over 35 micron) air-classified fractions of flour milled from hard red winter (HRW) wheat had average protein contents of about 45 and 11%, respectively. The protein contents of subaleurone and inner endosperm, separated from coarse fraction of pin-milled HRW flour by sedimentation in nonaqueous liquids, ranged 33-54% and 8-15%, respectively. Cells of subaleurone endosperm were reduced to particles below 35-micron size less readily than were cells of inner endosperm; in consequence, subaleurone endosperm cells concentrated in the coarse air-classified fractions, and raised the protein content of the latter.