Cereal Chem 43:706 - 714. | VIEW
Studies with Radioactive Tracers. X. The Fate of Glycine-1-14C During Breadmaking.
Y. H. Liau and C. C. Lee. Copyright 1966 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Bread was made with 200 mg. of glycine-1-14C per 100 g. flour as an additional ingredient in the baking formula. Some conversion to active carbon dioxide occurred, but none of the volatile condensates showed appreciable radioactivity. About 20 and 40%, respectively, of the original activity remained in the crust and crumb. Aqueous extracts of the crust and crumb were separated into basic, acidic, and neutral fractions, and the basic fraction, which contained all amino compounds including glycine, showed the highest activity. Paper-chromatographic studies indicated that, besides unchanged glycine-1-14C, at least 10 and 20 well- resolved active components were present in the basic fractions from the extracts of crust and crumb, respectively. Some of these components are hydrolyzable, giving rise to new products or regenerated glycine. These findings demonstrated the occurrence, during breadmaking, of condensation reactions involving glycine. The results are interpreted as strong evidence in support of the Maillard type of browning reaction's taking place during the baking of bread.