Cereal Chem 43:715 - 725. | VIEW
Protein Concentrates by Dry Milling of Wheat Millfeeds.
D. A. Fellers, A. D. Shepherd, N. J. Bellard, and A. P. Mossman. Copyright 1966 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Milling and sifting wheat millfeeds gave flours high in protein, low in fiber, and suitable for use in food products. Coarse bran, fine bran, and shorts, at various moisture levels (3 to 17%), were milled three times on the reduction rolls of a Brabender Quadrumat Senior flour mill. The flour fractions, which were sifted out after each milling, were analyzed for protein, fat, starch, total sugars, ash, pentosans, and fiber. Flour yields were highest from shorts and lowest from coarse bran. Compared to the millfeeds, the flour fractions were considerably richer in protein and starch and slightly higher in total sugars and fat but lower in fiber, pentosan, and ash. Coarse bran, fine bran, and shorts, when recombined in proportions similar to plant output, gave considerably less flour than that of the separately milled components. Flour yields were greatest at the lower moisture levels (3 to 7%), but substantially higher levels of protein and starch and lower levels of fiber, pentosan, and ash were obtained at 9 to 11% moisture. Yields of flour at higher moisture levels (13 to 17%) were lowest and, though fiber was further reduced slightly, protein content was also reduced.