Cereal Chem 52:506 - 512. | VIEW
Effect of Gamma Irradiation of Wheat on Breadmaking Properties.
S. R. Rao, R. C. Hoseney, K. F. Finney, and M. D. Shogren. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Physicochemical studies on flours milled from irradiated samples of Tascosa and Shawnee wheats indicated no adverse effects on quality at the dose level required for disinfestation of wheat (20 krad). As the irradiation dose increased, height of amylogram peak and dough stability decreased. At 1000 krad, the mixing requirement was reduced about 30% and loaf volume and crumb grain were impaired. Tascosa was impaired more than Shawnee wheat. Fractionating and reconstituting studies indicated that the gluten fraction was largely responsible for the impaired loaf volume potential of flour milled from irradiated (1000 krad) wheat. Because the gluten protein fraction also contains considerable lipid material, total free lipids were extracted from an irradiated sample (1000 krad) and found to be completely of gamma-functional when reconstituted with RBS-70A defatted flour. Apparently the detrimental effect irradiation was largely on the gluten proteins.