Cereal Chem 52:577 - 586. | VIEW
Protein Synthesis in Triticale and Its Durum Wheat and Rye Parents.
J. E. Dexter and B. L. Dronzek. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Protein synthesis in one line of hexaploid triticale and its durum wheat and rye parents was investigated by determining the protein solubility distribution and 14C-leucine incorporation into the grain protein at five stages of grain development. The solubility distribution of protein in the triticale was generally intermediate to that of the parents at all stages of development. 14C-Leucine incorporation into the total grain protein reached a maximum at 2 weeks after anthesis and then declined as the grain developed. Some differences in the proportion of 14C-leucine incorporated into the protein solubility fractions of the three grains were observed with the largest differences in incorporation obtained for the albumins and gliadins. The 14C- leucine incorporated into triticale protein fractions was, in general, intermediate between those for the same fractions of the parents for all fractions except the glutenins. Triticale glutenin incorporated more 14C- leucine than the durum wheat or rye glutenins at all stages of development.