Cereal Chem 52:753 - 756. | VIEW
Fortification of Persian-Type Bread with Vitamin.
A. S. B. Vaghefi and M. Delgosha. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
This study was undertaken to investigate the practicality of fortifying sangak, a Persian-type sheet bread, with vitamin A. The average per capita bread consumption in Iran is between 300 to 500 g daily, providing 80 to 90% of the total caloric intake of people in many parts of the country who, the survey determined, have a deficiency of vitamin A in their diets. Two chemical forms of the vitamin were used in baking four batches of bread---two with palmitate and two with acetate. With 48.42 mg of palmitate or 49.02 mg of acetate added to each 100 g of flour enough vitamin A remained after baking to provide 50 to 70% of the recommended daily dietary allowances for adult males, assuming an average consumption of bread. About 70% of the vitamin added to the dough in the yeast was recovered after the bread had been baked 2-3 min "Iranian fashion" on pebbles heated to about 204 C.