Cereal Chem 52:801 - 811. | VIEW
Development, Acceptability, and Nutritional Evaluation of High-Protein Soy-Supplemented Rice Noodles for Thai Children.
A. Siegel, A. Bhumiratana, and D. R. Lineback. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Dehydrated rice noodles, supplemented with 20 and 30% full-fat soy flour (dry basis), were developed for use in feeding programs at Child Nutrition Centers in Thailand. In addition, 20 and 30% soy-rice noodles containing 0.2 and 0.3% dl-methionine (dry basis), respectively, were prepared. Their acceptability was tested by feeding samples to 197 Thai preschool children. Nutrient content and protein quality were determined by chemical and biological procedures. Soy-rice noodle consumption was not significantly different (P less than 0.01) from that of regular (control) rice noodles. The 20 and 30% soy-rice noodles contained 15.0 and 18.0% protein on a moisture-free basis, respectively; the control contained 7.8% protein. Soy-supplemented (30%) rice noodles contained approximately eight times the alpha-tocopherol, twice the thiamin, twice the riboflavin, five times the pyridoxine, twice the vitamin B-12, twice the niacin, three times the folic acid, four times the calcium, twice the iron, twelve times the magnesium, and three times the phosphorus content that regular rice noodles contained. Protein efficiency ratios were 2.17, 2.53, 2.56, 2.68, and 3.03 for the regular, 20% soy-rice, 30% soy-rice, 20% soy-rice plus methionine, and 30% soy-rice plus methionine noodles, respectively, based on 2.50 for standard casein. Net protein utilization values for 30% soy-rice (with and without methionine) noodles were superior to those for regular noodles and not significantly different (P less than 0.05) from those for casein. Subjective evaluations of noodles stored 5 months indicated no detrimental change in quality. Protein costs of soy-rice noodles were substantially less than those for regular rice noodles.