Cereal Chem 52:844 - 848. | VIEW
Studies on Corn Proteins. VIII. Free Amino Acid Content of Opaque-2 Double Mutants.
P. S. Misra, E. T. Mertz, and D. V. Glover. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The ninhydrin method was used to determine the free amino acid content of 14 maize endosperm mutants and their double-mutant combinations with opaque-2 in the Oh43, W64A, C103, and B37 inbred lines, and hybrid combinations of these lines. In all combinations studied, the introduction of the opaque-2 gene invariably raised the free amino acid content of the kernel above that found in the single mutant, inbred, or hybrid line.