Cereal Chem 52:849 - 853. | VIEW
NMR-Oil Content as an Index of Degree of Rice Milling.
Y. Pomeranz, R. A. Stermer, and E. Dikeman. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Brown rice samples (nine cultivars from three locations) were milled on an experimental mill. Oil in 26 brown rices and in 173 milled subsamples was determined by wide-line nuclear magnetic resonance. Oil content of long- and medium-grain cultivars was not consistently different, but in each group there were consistent varietal differences. Weight loss during milling was significantly correlated (r = -0.617) with oil content of the milled samples at the 1% level. Correlation coefficients for samples from individual varieties were generally higher (up to r = -0.874) than for all samples combined. Regression coefficients of oil content on milling weight loss for individual varieties ranged from -0.119 to -0.298.