Cereal Chem 52:161 - 165. | VIEW
Studies on Corn Proteins. VI. Endosperm Protein Changes in Single and Double Endosperm Mutants of Maize.
P. S. Misra, E. T. Mertz, and D. V. Glover. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The endosperm proteins of the maize mutants, floury-2, opaque-2, opague-7, sugary-1, shrunken-1, shrunken-2, shrunken-4 and brittle-1, and double-mutant combinations of these with opaque-2, were separated into five soluble fractions by the Landry-Moureaux method. As compared to their isogenic normal counterparts, all single mutants had higher concentrations of albumin, globulin, and glutelin, and lower concentrations of prolamine. The combination of opaque-2 with floury-2 or opaque-7 did not increase lysine above that in the single mutants. The combination of opaque-2 with any of the other five mutants increased levels of albumin, globulin, and glutelin above those found in the single mutants. The double mutants showed an almost complete suppression of prolamine synthesis and the lysine levels were higher than in the single mutants.