Cereal Chem 52:198 - 204. | VIEW
Cleaning Trials for Corn Containing Aflatoxin.
O. L. Brekke, A. J. Peplinski, and E. L. Griffin, Jr. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Physical separation methods were generally ineffective for lowering the aflatoxin content of naturally contaminated corn used in the experimental work. The corn lots tested differed in aflatoxin content (10 to 450 p.p.b. B1), geographic source, content of broken corn-foreign material, and represented both white and yellow corn. Dry cleaning, wet cleaning, density separation, and preferential fragmentation of the grain were used in the laboratory tests. Aflatoxin was concentrated in broken corn-foreign material in only 1 of the 10 lots tested. Hand-selected kernels that outwardly appeared sound and free of the bright greenish- yellow fluorescence associated with presence of aflatoxin had the toxin in excess of current guidelines (20 p.p.b.) in six out of seven lots of corn. The hand-selected kernels contained about one-half to as little as one-tenth the level of alatoxin in the unfractionated lot.