Cereal Chem 52:212 - 224. | VIEW
Wheat Protein-Starch Interaction. II. Comparative Abilities of Wheat and Soy Proteins to Bind Starch.
L. K. Dahle, E. P. Montgomery, and V. W. Brusco. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Differences of ability of wheat and soy protein isolates to bind starch are shown by tests on starch-protein mixtures. Also shown are differences of ability to bind dextrins. The ability of wheat protein to bind starch is greatly diminished by the action of a disulfide-splitting agent but not by a sulfhydryl blocking agent. Differences of binding action at various pH values are shown by a sedimentation test on starch-protein mixtures. Rheological behavior of protein-starch dough systems is demonstrated over a pH range by a titration procedure, using the farinograph.