Cereal Chem 52:225 - 229. | VIEW
Influence of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer on Malting Characteristics of Rye.
Y. Pomeranz, J. J. Schreck, and A. F. Dreier. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Rye grown for 2 years in Nebraska was fertilized with 9 rates of N (0 to 112 kg/hectare) and 7 rates of P (0 to 33.6 kg/hectare); the total number of N x P combinations was 18. The rye samples were malted under laboratory conditions. Kernel weight was positively correlated with fine-grind extract and soluble proteins. Increasing rye-grain protein decreased extract and increased wort protein and diastatic power in rye malt. Diastatic power was positively correlated with wort-N and alpha-amylase. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on malt characteristics were related to the effects of fertilization on grain protein. Phosphorus fertilization affected ratio of wort proteins to grain proteins.