Cereal Chem 52:230 - 239. | VIEW
Comparison of Starch, Pentosans, and Sugars of Some Conventional Height and Semidwarf Hard Red Spring Wheat Flours.
B. L. D'Appolonia and L. A. MacArthur. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Eight samples of hard red spring (HRS) wheat flour which included three conventional-height and five semidwarf wheat varieties were utilized to examine the starch, pentosans, and sugars. Each sample was a composite of a single variety grown at several locations. Small differences were noted in the pasting properties of the starches isolated from the different samples. Peak height for the starch samples ranged from 370 to 520 Brabender Units (BU). Determination of the water-binding capacity values and starch damage values on the isolated starches likewise revealed small differences. Water-soluble and water- insoluble pentosans were isolated from the various flours followed by purification and column- chromatographic fractionation. The amount of amylase-treated water-soluble pentosans obtained from the different flours ranged from 0.58 to 0.72%. The water-insoluble pentosans associated with the "sludge" or "tailings" fraction of flour were separated into four fractions. DEAE-cellulose chromatography of the sludge pentosan fraction treated with alpha-amylase gave the highest yield for the principally arabinoxylan fraction. Fractionation of the water-soluble pentosans, however, revealed high amounts of glycoproteins. The amount of sucrose, raffinose, maltose, fructose, and glucose present in the various flours was measured using a Technicon Sugar Auto Analyzer. No extreme differences were noted in the amounts of the various sugars in the different flours.