Cereal Chem 52:248 - 262. | VIEW
"Unmixing"---The Disorientation of Developed Bread Doughs by Slow Speed Mixing.
K. H. Tipples and R. H. Kilborn. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
"Unmixing" is the apparent reverse of dough development brought about when a dough mixed to peak consistency at high speed is mixed for a further period of time well below the minimum speed required for optimum development. The dough changes in appearance and character and assumes the properties of a dough that is undermixed. Bread baked from such "unmixed" dough is similar to bread baked from undermixed dough. The "unmixed" dough may be redeveloped to peak consistency by speeding up the mixer and the remixed dough produces bread of the same quality as that made from the initial developed dough. The "unmix"/remix cycle may be repeated several times. The deleterious effects of "unmixing" in terms of lower loaf volume, poorer external appearance and crumb texture are more pronounced with slower "unmix" speed and longer "unmixing" time.