Cereal Chem 52:431 - 438. | VIEW
The Use of Invertase for Determination of Sucrose, Application to Cereals, Cereal Products, and Other Plant Materials.
J. Cerning-Beroard. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A specific enzymatic method for the determination of sucrose in cereals, cereal products, and other plant materials is described. Sucrose, after repeated extraction with hot 80% ethanol, is hydrolyzed by invertase. The liberated glucose is estimated by glucose oxidase. Free glucose, if present, can be determined before inversion. The method is flexible in that sucrose can be determined in ethanol extracts as well as in water extracts. The procedure is simple and rapid and does not require sophisticated laboratory equipment. Sucrose can be determined specifically in the presence of large amounts of other sugars. In many cases the usual clarification procedure required for the removal of nonsugar reducing substances is not necessary.