Cereal Chem 52:451 - 458. | VIEW
An Automated Fluorometric Assay for Proteolytic Activity in Wheat.
K. R. Preston. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
An automated fluorometric method for the determination of proteolytic activity in wheat extracts is described. The method involves the incubation of a suitable protein substrate with enzyme extract at 40 C. A small proportion of proteolytic cleavage products pass through a dialysis membrane into a basic buffer and react with fluorescamine resulting in the formation of fluorescent products. Activity is expressed in terms of the concentration of glycyl glycine (micromoles/ml) required to give a fluorescence intensity the same as that of the cleavage products. The method is applicable to large numbers of samples, requires small amounts of sample, is highly reproducible, gives a linear relation between fluorescence and enzyme concentration over a wide range and has high sensitivity.