Cereal Chem 52:472 - 478. | VIEW
The Sugars of Triticale Bran.
R. M. Saunders, A. A. Betschart, and K. Lorenz. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The sugars in triticale bran have been examined quantitatively and qualitatively using paper, column, and thin-layer chromatography techniques. The brans were obtained from spring triticale crops grown in 1970, 1971, and 1973 in the same location. The triticale bran sugars were compared with the sugars in bran from 1973 crops of wheat and rye. The sugars found in triticale bran, from each year, in order of magnitude, were---sucrose, raffinose, kestose, nystose; and fructosylraffinose. In wheat bran, the sugars found, in order of magnitude, were---sucrose, raffinose, fructosylraffinose, nystose, and kestose; and in rye bran, in order of magnitude, were---sucrose, kestose, nystose, raffinose, and fructosylraffinose. Glucofructans were lowest in the triticale brans and highest in the rye bran. Fructose and glucose were not present in triticale or wheat brans and only traces occurred in the rye bran. None of the species contained maltose.