Cereal Chem 54:1 - 12. | VIEW
Studies on the Proteins of the Mutants of Barley Grain. I. Extraction and Electrophoretic Characterization.
U. Singh and L. V. S. Sastry. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Solubility fractionation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the proteins of a barley variety, two mutants produced therefrom, and Hiproly barley were carried out after studying fhe favorable conditions for their quantitative extraction. Comparison of the proportions of the various extracted protein fractions (including the glutelin fraction extracted by employing the acetic acid, urea, and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (AUC) solvent system) and the qualitative and quantitative changes in the electrophoretic patterns in the proteins from different barleys indicating interesting differences in the protein compositon of these barleys. The electrophoretic changes were found most striking in the glutelin and albumin fractions and less striking in the globulin and prolamin fractions. The changes in the proportion of the protein fractions were most conspicuous in the prolamin fraction, less in the glutelin and albumin fractions, and least in the globulin fraction of the mutants. These changes appear to be nutritionally more favorable in the Notch-2 mutant.