Cereal Chem 54:42 - 52. | VIEW
Eighty Per Cent Extraction Flour by Tail-End Reg rinding and Redressing.
W. C. Shuey, R. D. Maneval, and J. W. Dick. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Millfeed products (bran, head shorts, and tail shorts) of a pilot mill from six hard red spring wheat samples were reground to produce an extended extraction (EE) flour of approximately 80%. In the combination flow, an Entoleter was used to grind the bran and head shorts; the tail shorts were ground in a pin mill. A correlation coefficient of 0.988 was found between the percentage extraction of the straight-grade (SG) and EE flours. Cumulative ash and protein curves from the SG flour data were good predictors of anticipated flour values above the SG flour at a given extraction for a properly flowed mill. Protein content of the EE flour was slightly underestimated because of selective cellular fractionation of the millfeed streams by the grinding procedure used, especially as it pertained to the involvement of the aleurone/subaleurone layer of the kernel. Flour ash increased and flour color became darker with increased flour extraction, but there was no significant correlation between the ash content or flour color and extraction. A significant correlation coefficient of 0.921 was found between flour color and flour ash. Thiamine and lysine content of the EE flour increased without a detrimental increase in fat or fiber content.