Cereal Chem 54:79 - 91. | VIEW
Varietal Differences in Chickpea Flour (Cicer ariet inum) in Relation to Water Vapor Sorption.
R. K. Sethi, G. L. Soni, and S. L. Chopra. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Water vapor sorption by four varieties of chickpea flour has been studied at 35 C with the quartz fiber spring technique. The sorption capacity of the flour starch was greater than that of the flour proteins. Values of the diffusion coefficients of water in flours have been calculated. The specific surface areas of the samples have been calculated by the Brunaur, Emmett, Teller (BET) and Harkins-Jura (HJ) methods. Pore size distribution reveals the presence of micropores in flours. The magnitude of the heat of absorption and the free energy change for the system rule out the possibility of any chemical interactions involved.