Cereal Chem 54:737 - 745. | VIEW
Durum Wheat Air-Classified Flours and Their Effect on Spaghetti Quality.
M. D. Breen, A. A. Seyam, and O. J. Banasik. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Samples of durum wheat, with different percentages of vitreous kernels (40 and 95%) were milled into flour. Each flour stream was pin milled and air-classified into a high-protein fine fraction and a medium- protein coarse fraction. A total of 7.3% of the fine flour with approximately 16% protein or over was obtained from air-classificatied flour fractions from the 95% vitreous wheat sample, and 7.8% of the high- protein flour was produced from the 40% vitreous wheat sample. Ash contents averaged higher in the fine flour fractions. Spaghetti processed from the fine fraction showed lower color scores and had a higher cooking loss. Differences in vitreous kernel content did not affect spaghetti quality. The coarse fraction of air-classified flour was processed into high-quality spaghetti. The fine fraction could be used to increase the protein content of noodles and other pasta products.