Cereal Chem 54:827 - 832. | VIEW
A Modified Method for Phytate Analysis Using an Ion-Exchange Procedure: Application to Textured Vegetable Proteins.
B. F. Harland and D. Oberleas. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A modified method for phytate analysis has been developed which involves concentrating phytate on an anion-exchange resin, stripping the resin of contaminating inorganic phosphate with 0.05M NaCl, and eluting the phytate with 0.7M NaCl. The final eluate is then digested, inorganic phosphate is measured, and the hexaphosphate equivalent is calculated from the hydrolyzed phosphate. The method is simple, reproducible, and rapid. The concentration of phytate in 10 soybean-based meat substitutes ranged from 0.12 to 1.63% when the products were analyzed by the ion-exchange method; all but three sources contained phytate in excess of 1%.