Cereal Chem 54:840 - 846. | VIEW
Distribution of Ash Among Flour Extracts and Fractions and Its Relation to Electrical Conductivity.
R. L. Clements. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Flours from soft red, soft white and hard red winter wheats, and defatted and bleached flours were fractionated and ash was determined in the fractions. In addition, various flours were serially extracted five times with water and ash was determined in extracts and residues. Ash was also determined in extracts and residues. Ash was also determined in extracts of millstream flours representing a wide range of ash levels. Electrical conductivities of all extracts were measured. In the fractionations, ash from two aqueous extractions accounted for 50% of total recovered ash, with starch contributing 27-30%, gluten 11-21% and tailings 4-8%. Variations among flours apparently resulted partially from differences in water retention. From fivefold extraction of flours, 72-77% of total recovered ash was in the combined extracts and 23-28% in the residues. From millstream flours suspended in water for one hr at room temperature, recovery of total ash from the liquid phase was 75-80% for low-ash, and 60-65% for high-ash flours. For extracts prepared under uniform conditions, conductivities were proportional to ash levels of flours.