Cereal Chem 54:1018 - 1025. | VIEW
Effect of Roll Temperature on Flour Yield with the Brabender Quadrumat Experimental Mills.
H. C. Jeffers and G. L. Rubenthaler. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Through the years experimental flour yield from check varieties of wheat were lower for samples milled late in the day than from those milled early in the day. Temperature of the rolls and mill housings was found to be the influencing factor. As temperature increased due to friction and use of the mill, flour yield decreased. Over a range of 24 C increase in temperature, flour yields decreased from 4 to 6%. Correlations of -0.98 to - 0.99 were found between flour yield and roll temperature. Roll gaps were also correlated with temperature. As temperature increased, roll gaps widened as much as 0.00125 in. due to differences in expansion of materials in the roll housings. Coefficient of expansion of the aluminum housing is approximately double that of steel rolls. Temperature of the mill and rolls stabilized near 36 C after about 3 hr use of the mill. Thermostatically controlled heaters, permanently installed, corrected the variation in flour yield due to temperature.