Cereal Chem 54:1115 - 1123. | VIEW
Nutrient Composition of Selected Wheat Products.
R. H. Matthews and M. Y. Workman. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Commercial practices in processing and baking all types of wheat products in the U.S. and customary practices in baking around the world must be carefully considered in developing values for the Nutrient Data Bank and for the tables of food composition. The nutrient content of the flour ingredient has a marked effect on the nutrients in breads, crackers, pastry, and pastas. For baked products---cakes, cookies, etc.--- which are lower in proportion of flour, nutrient content is greatly influenced by ingredients other than flour. Nutritive values for some wheat products have changed somewhat since U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 8 was prepared in 1963. Breads are made with little or no milk today. Added calcium salts have altered the content of this mineral element. Crackers, cookies, and snack items are, in general, made with enriched flour. Cake mixes, most often formulated with enriched flour, vary between brands in several mineral elements. Foreign-type breads are commanding more interest today for the tables of food composition than in the past. Extraction rate of the flour, heat penetration, and added ingredients have the most marked effects on their nutrient content.