Cereal Chem 54:1192 - 1197. | VIEW
Tempeh and Miso from Chickpea, Horse Bean, and Soybean.
R. J. Robinson and C. Kao. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Chickpea, horse bean, and soybean are dehulled and ground to different granular sizes. The bean grits are then soaked, autoclaved, and fermented with Rhizopus oligosporus or Aspergillus oryzae to make tempeh or miso. Our results indicate 0.2- to 0.4-cm diameter grits are best for the fermenting process. Chickpea and soybean tempehs have similar yellowish color and firm texture, while horse bean tempeh is grayish and soft textured. Flavors of all three tempehs are similar, although chickpea and horse bean tempehs have much stronger flavors than soybean tempeh. Chickpea miso is darker than soybean miso; horse bean miso is lighest colored. Fermenting sharply increases reducing sugar, soluble protein, and water-soluble vitamins in tempeh and miso, but essential amino acids remained relatively unchanged.