Cereal Chem 54:1238 - 1248. | VIEW
Nutritive Value of Bread Fortified with Concentrated Plant Proteins and Lysine.
S. E. Fleming and F. W. Sosulski. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Amino acid scores and rat growth assays were determined on wheat-flour bread and breads fortified with vital gluten and sufficient soy flour, sunflower concentrate, fababean concentrate, or field-pea concentrate to produce breads with at least 14% protein. The FAO Provisional Pattern (1973) was used as reference protein for calculating chemical score and essential amino acid index. The variations among diets were smaller by net protein ratio than protein efficiency ratio (PER), but these data were highly correlated with no obvious advantage for either measurement. The bread diets were limiting in lysine and its supplementation caused marked increases in protein quality. The lysine content of the diets gave significant correlations with both chemical and biological data. Soy, fababean, and field-pea bread gave PER ranging from 1.7 to 1.8, whereas sunflower and wheat bread had values of 1.3 and 1.1, respectively. Fababean and field-pea breads were given "excellent" protein ratings of more than 40, but soy bread was given a "good" rating of 37.5 due to the higher moisture content and therefore lower protein content on a fresh weight basis. Sunflower bread also received a "good" rating while wheat bread had a rating of less than 20. When supplemented with lysine the wheat bread had a protein rating of 37.8 and all high protein breads were given "excellent" ratings.