Cereal Chem 54:1259 - 1263. | VIEW
Short-time Baking Systems. III. Malt Interdependence in a Sugar-Free Formula.
P. L. Finney, G. L. Rubenthaler, H. C. Jeffers, and P. D. Anderson. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Breads with equal loaf volumes and crumb grains were produced by optimizing proof time for each level of diastatic malt (250 degree L, or about 60SKB/g, 20 C) added in a sugar-free bread formula. As malt was increased from 0.05 to 0.75%, proof time decreased linearly from 42 to 33 min. When malt was decreased from 0.05 to 0%, loaf volume decreased from 975 cm3 to 860 cm3, and proof time increased rapidly from 42 to 60 min. Although each level of malt from 0.025 to 0.75% was equally sensitive to over- or underproofing, dough containing 0% malt could be proofed an additional 120 min with essentially no change in bread quality, including loaf volume. Breads containing 7.2% yeast and fermented for 70 min required 50% less diastatic malt than breads containing 2% yeast and fermented for 180 min. In addition, 7.2% yeast breads containing 0 to 0.025% malt fermented for 70 min had significantly higher loaf volumes and better crumb grains than did the 180-min breads.