Cereal Chem 54:167 - 173. | VIEW
The Distribution of Carboxypeptidases in Anatomical Tissues of Developing and Germinating Wheat Kernels.
J. E. Kruger and K. Preston. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The anatomical distribution of carboxypeptidase activity during the growth and maturation of HRS wheat kernels indicated that the activity was mainly concentrated in the pericarp and endosperm tissues. In the pericarp, the activity rose and fell during development. By contrast, activity in the endosperm tissue progressivley increased throughout growth. Elution profiles following ion-exchange chromatography on CMC of pericarp and of green layer and aleurone tissue were identical and showed the presence of only one active peak eluted at low ionic strength. In contrast, endosperm tissue contained two major active peaks eluted at higher ionic strength. Upon germination, carboxypeptidase components identical to those present in immature wheat were found. No distinct separation of the three active peaks into the different tissues was observable except in the embryo, which contained only the component eluted at low ionic strength. Chromatography profiles with CBZ-phe-ala or hemoglobin as substrate were very similar.