Cereal Chem 54:174 - 178. | VIEW
Dehulling Cereal Grains and Grain Legumes for Developing Countries. II. Chemical Composition of Mechanically and Traditionally Dehulled Sorghum and Millet.
R. D. Reichert and C. G. Youngs. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The chemical composition of Nigerian sorghum and millet dehulled mechanically with a laboratory barley pearler and "Village Scale" abrasive-and attrition-type mills is compared with grains dehulled with the traditional mortar and pestle. Grains dehulled to progressively lower extraction levels were analyzed for protein, ash, oil, and crude fiber. Sorghum kernels were also manually dissected into pericarp, germ, and endosperm fractions and analyzed. Mechanically dehulled grains contained 31-51% less oil and ash and 9- 18% less protein at 75% extraction than the whole grains. Traditionally dehulled grains contained 7-21% less oil and ash and 5-9% less protein at 75% extracion than the whole grains. Crude fiber was removed more efficiently with the barley pearler and the abrasive-type mill than with the attrition-type mill or the traditional method.