Cereal Chem 54:311 - 319. | VIEW
Studies of Water Binding by Differential Thermal Analysis. I. Dough Studies Using the Boiling Mode.
W. Bushuk and V. K. Mehrotra. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Water binding in dough was studied using the boiling mode of differential thermal analysis (DTA). The results showed that water binding in dough depends on the mixing strength of the flour (i.e., wheat cultivar); stronger mixing flours bind water more strongly than weaker mixing flours. An increase in the water absorption of dough produced a curvilinear increase in water binding as measured by DTA. The binding energy decreased with increase in protein content of flour and increased linearly with increasing starch damage and water-soluble pentosan content. During dough-mixing water binding increased to a maximum and then decreased at about the same rate as farinograph consistancy for the two stronger cultivars. For the weak cultivar investigated, the binding energy-mixing time curve was anomalous. Addition of sodium chloride, N-ethylmaleimide, cysteine, and potassium iodate decreased the energy of water binding, but ascorbic acid increased water binding.