Cereal Chem 54:352 - 359. | VIEW
Effects of Flour Fraction Composition on Cookie Diameter.
W. T. Yamazaki, J. R. Donelson, and W. F. Kwolek. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Three pure-variety straight-grade untreated flours were fractionated into five fractions: free lipds, starch, gluten, tailings, and water-solubles. For each variety, blends were prepared according to McLean and Anderson's extreme vertices experimental design, with various proportions of the last four fractions. The blends (with restored lipids) were baked into cookies and the effects of fraction composition on cookie diameter were noted. The functions of fractions were similar for Thorne and Blackhawk and different for Shawnee. Within the "valid area" of compositional variation, and at high starch levels, high water-solubles content was associated with small cookie diameter for Shawnee but with larg diameter for Thorne and Blackhawk. High tailings content was associated with poorer cookie in Shawnee blends. The starch fraction did not show varietal differences. For all three varieties, fraction effect on diameter was associated with alkaline water-retention capacities of the fractions gluten, starch, and tailings, and the effect was additive.