Cereal Chem 54:397 - 404. | VIEW
A Micro Unit for Producing Durum Semolina.
S. Vasiljevic, O. J. Banasik, and W. C. Shuey. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A micro unit for production semolina from durum wheats has been developed for 200-g samples. In one operation, the unit, a modified Brabender Quadromat Jr. Mill and a small laboratory purifier, produces over 50% purified semolina from durum wheat. The semolina is uniform in granular size and has a low bran speck count. The micro procedure showed standard errors of 0.79% for extraction and 1.12 specks/10sq. in. in the semolina which compares favorably with the macro method. The number of samples that can be processed has been increased 60% over the present system to 120 samples/man day.