Cereal Chem 54:580 - 587. | VIEW
Modifications in Durum Wheat Protein Properties During Pasta Dough Sheeting.
P. Feillet, E. Fevre, and K. Kobrehel. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effects of pasta dough sheeting on durum wheat protein properties were investigated. Dry gluten content was diminished (from 13 to 0%) by increasing the number of passes through sheeting rolls or by decreasing the roll clearance and the dough moisture content. Simultaneous changes in protein composition occurred---increases in the amount of gliadins and gel proteins, and decreases in the amount of 2- chloroethanol-soluble glutenins. A correlation between the rate of gluten recovery and the gel protein content was observed. Possible reorganizations in the protein network, involving breakage of the glutenin molecules by a stretching effect and disulfide bond interchanges, are discussed.