Cereal Chem 54:713 - 716. | VIEW
Methyl Bromide Fumigation. II. Effect of Normal Dosages on Flour and Wheat---Breadmaking Quality and Wheat Germination.
R. A. Orth, W. Minett, and L. J. Cook. Copyright 1977 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of commercial doses of methyl bromide on the breadmaking quality of wheat and flour and the germination of wheat and flour and the germination of wheat was investigated using two hard and two soft wheats and flour milled from one hard and one soft wheat. Wheat fumigation at these levels had no significant effect on the water absorption, dough breakdown, extensibility, or loaf volume of any wheat or flour studied. Extensigraph maximum resistance increased significantly between fumigated and nonfumigated flour samples but not between treated and untreated wheats. Fumigatation at normal commercial levels had no effect on final wheat germination but significantly reduced the rate of germination.