Cereal Chem 62:290-292 | VIEW
Associations Among Soft Wheat Flour Particle Size, Protein Content, Chlorine Response, Kernel Hardness, Milling Quality, White Layer Cake Volume, and Sugar-Snap Cookie Spread.
C. S. Gaines. Copyright 1985 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Eighty-three soft red and white wheat test lines or cultivars were evaluated for several milling quality characteristics (kernel hardness, kernel and flour protein, flour ash), straight-grade and cake patent flour particle size, and cake patent flour chlorine response. Each characteristic was statistically evaluated for associations with sugar-snap cookie diameter and high-ratio white layer cake volume. An additional 136 soft wheats were included to evaluate associations among cookie diameter, flour particle size, and protein content. Across cultivars, both cookie diameter and cake volume were positively associated with soft textured wheats having lower protein contents, which produced more break flour and flour having smaller particle size. Wheats producing straight-grade flour with small particle size also tended to produce patent flours with small particles (both before and after pin-milling). Wheats having better milling quality were more coarsely granulating during milling and tended to produce smaller cakes and cookies. Wheats producing more break flour were finer granulating. Kernel hardness (particle size index) was not correlated with milling quality (endosperm separation index).