Cereal Chem 62:355-360 | VIEW
Gliadin Electrophoretic Variations in Foundation Arkan Wheat Grown at 16 Kansas Agricultural Experiment Stations in 1983.
G. L. Lookhart. Copyright 1985 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Gliadin electrophoretic patterns of composite samples of foundation Arkan wheat grain grown at 16 Kansas branch experiment stations and experimental fields in 1983 were compared with patterns of two other hard red winter wheats, Newton and TAM 105, grown at the same locations, and with patterns of Arkan's parents, Sage and Arthur. Gliadin polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns were also determined for single hard- and soft-appearing kernels. Electrophoregrams of the single seeds at each location were identical, or nearly so, to bulk Arkan patterns at the respective locations, and to typical Arkan patterns previously established. Therefore, differences in electrophoretic patterns are not the result of varietal mixtures, but more likely of biotypes. Extra bands found in some Arkan samples were usually present in one of its parents. Gliadin patterns of bulk extracts of Newton and TAM 105 from some locations also exhibited patterns different from normal. The number of locations where electrophoretic differences were found was highest for Arkan and lowest for TAM 105. Key words: Kernel characteristics, Kernel hardness, PAGE, Wheat class