Cereal Chem 62:366-371 | VIEW
Development of Oat Aleurone Cells and Their Protein Bodies.
D. M. Peterson, R. H. Saigo, and J. Holy. Copyright 1985 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The development of oat (Avena sativa L.) aleurone cells was studied by electron microscopy of tissues from various stages of development. Aleurone protein bodies were formed in vacuoles by sequential deposition of phytin and protein. Light micrographs of sections stained for protein and electron micrographs of sections digested with pepsin confirmed the proteinaceous nature of the protein bodies. A densely stained region within the protein component of the protein body appeared analogous to the niacin-containing inclusion (protein-carbohydrate body) described in barley, wheat, and oats. Starch grains were present in aleurone cells during early stages of development but disappeared with maturation. Lipid bodies increased in number in aleurone cells up to 10 days after anthesis. No evidence for endoplasmic reticulum origin of lipid bodies was seen. Rough endoplasmic reticulum was present but was not as abundant in the aleurone as in the starchy endosperm. Free ribosomes were numerous in the cytoplasm of younger specimens. Dictyosomes were infrequent.