Cereal Chem 62:416-417 | VIEW
Note: The Chemical Composition and Rheological Properties of Flours Milled from Two Major Wheat Varieties Grown in Saudi Arabia.
H. A. Khatchadourian, W. N. Sawaya, and M. I. Bayoumi. Copyright 1985 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The chemical composition, mineral contents, and rheological properties of flour samples obtained from two major wheat varieties grown in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Yecora Rojo and Probred, were studied. Results of the chemical composition indicated that these flours contained relatively high levels of protein, when compared to other flours, but similar levels of crude fiber, ash, and fat. Probred was higher in protein (16.03%) than Yecora Rojo (14.19%). The other cultivar components such as crude fat, crude fiber, ash, and nitrogen-free extract were present in comparable amounts in the two flours. The mineral profiles of the two flours were comparable except for a slightly higher iron content in Probred. The sodium level in both flours was relatively high. Data on the rheological properties indicated desirable physical characteristics for breadmaking.