Cereal Chem 62:467-469 | VIEW
Distribution of Deoxynivalenol in Soft Wheat Mill Steams.
L. M. Seitz, W. T. Yamazaki, R. L. Clements, H. E. Mohr, and L. Andrews. Copyright 1985 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A study was made of the distribution of deoxynivalenol (DON) in mill streams of soft wheat infected to varying degrees with scab (Fusarium graminearum). Eleven lots of soft wheat ranging in DON contents from 0.03 to 2.89 ppm were each cleaned by screening, conditioned to 14% moisture, and milled on a Miag Multomat mill. Cleaning reduced DON content of wheat by an average of 16%, and screenings had 4.7-fold higher DON contents than cleaned wheat. DON was found in all mill fractions, which included straight- grade flour, four break flours, six reduction flours, break and reduction shorts, red dog, and bran. Mean DON concentration in straight-grade flour was about 90% of that in cleaned wheat. The different lots of wheat, regardless of DON concentration, generally give similar fractional distributions of DON as indicated by correlation coefficients. Mean DON concentrations were lower in flours (except for first reduction) and higher in offals than in whole wheat. Among break flours, mean DON concentrations increased slightly from the first to the third break. However, the first reduction flour exhibited a higher mean DON concentration than subsequent reduction flours, with the lowest concentration found in the fifth reduction flour.