Cereal Chem 62:112-116 | VIEW
Composition and Properties of Pearled and Fines Fractions from Hulled and Hull-less Barley.
A. K. Sumner, A. Gebre-Egziabher, R. T. Tyler, and B. G. Rossnagel. Copyright 1985 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of pearling on the properties of fractions from hulled nonwaxy and waxy barley and hull-less nonwaxy barley was evaluated. Barley pearled for short, moderate, and long periods produced correspondingly high, moderate, and low extraction rates (yields) of pearled barley grain together with hulls and fines fractions. The extraction rate had a marked effect on yield, color, composition, and pasting properties but less effect on functional properties. As extraction rate decreased, the starch content of pearled grain increased. There was a corresponding increase in the protein, oil, ash, and crude fiber content of the fines fractions. Moderate extraction rates increased the level of lysine, the first limiting essential amino acid, and the chemical score of protein in the fines fractions. Hot and cold pasting viscosities were highest for the pearled grain and lowest for the high protein fines fractions with their higher amylase and lower starch contents. Low extraction pearled grain from hulled waxy barley had the highest peak viscosity with characteristic retrogradation behavior on cooling. Most pastes exhibited little syneresis. Selection of pearling conditions and barley variety can produce fractions with widely varying properties for food systems.