Cereal Chem 62:185-190 | VIEW
Variability in Gliadin Electrophoregrams and Hardness of Individual Wheat Kernels Selected from Foundation Seed on the Basis of Grain Morphology.
G. L. Lookhart, F. S. Lai, and Y. Pomeranz. Copyright 1985 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Sixty wheat kernels from foundation seed, representing one soft red winter, two hard red spring, and six hard red winter wheat cultivars, were each characterized three ways: 1) by the Federal Grain Inspection Service according to morphological and apparent textural characteristics, 2) according to hardness on the basis of instrumental crushing characteristics, and 3) according to polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic (PAGE) patterns of gliadin proteins. On the basis of grain morphology and apparent texture, 24 kernels differed from typical kernels of certified wheat cultivars. Seven kernels had intermediate hardness characteristics and seven kernels had hardness characteristics different from those expected of the typical cultivars. PAGE patterns of 15 kernels deviated from typical PAGE patterns run on bulk samples. Deviations from expected hardness characteristics and PAGE patterns occurred both for kernels differing in morphology and among kernels considered typical of a cultivar on the basis of grain morphology and texture. Key words: Wheat cultivar purity