ST. PAUL, MINN. (MAY 13, 2008) - The AlveoConsistograph helps you to classify, control, and select wheat and flour and optimize their blending for specific rheological properties. It measures the effects of improvers, ingredients, and other additives resulting in better control of dough on the production line and more consistent end-product quality.
The AlveoConsistograph Handbook, Second Edition, provides an understanding of the technical data generated by the instrument and gives timely application examples. It explains the workings of the Chopin Consistograph and provides a deep insight into its coupling with the Chopin Alveograph. Originally titled The Alveograph Handbook, this is the first revision of this resource in 20 years, and it explains major modifications and improvements of the Alveograph through new and completely revised chapters.
A new chapter on the Consistograph, the component that is used to determine the water absorption capacity of flour, includes test procedures, applications, differences from other devices, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Another new chapter discusses the debate surrounding the testing of samples, using either constant water content or constant consistency methods. This chapter gives useful insight into the adapted hydrated Alveograph protocol and its benefits for users of flour that will be part of formulations where gluten quality and performance are crucial. It covers the controversial subject in depth, discusses the technical basis for the development of the debate, and compares the use of both methods on the same wheat.
In addition to wheat flour, the book provides guidance for using the Alveograph on additional products like durum wheat semolina or durum pasta. All chapters have been rewritten to include the latest practices and will help users gain a better understanding of how this important technology is used in today’s food labs. Topics covered include description of different alveograph types, theory of the alveograph, description of the alveograph procedure, modification of the alveograph procedure, interpretation of the alveograph results, factors influencing the alveograph, alveograph calibration, description of the consistograph, adapted hydration method for the alveograph, and troubleshooting.
This large format, easy-to-read handbook includes two helpful appendixes: The first lists the main alveograph parts and the second lists selected references concerning the alveograph. The AlveoConsistograph Handbook, Second Edition, provides up-to-date information to every user along the cereal chain, helping them to get the most out of their daily use of this important technology. It will be especially useful for food scientists in the baking industry, quality control laboratories, suppliers of enzymes and additives, breeders, grain scientists involved with grain storage, as well as grain exporters.
This book may be purchased for $149 plus S&H from AACC International PRESS. To order this book go to the AACC International PRESS online bookstore or call toll-free 1.800.328.7560 USA/Canada or +1.651.454.7250 elsewhere.
The AlveoConsistograph Handbook, Second Edition includes the following chapters: Part I. The Chopin Alveograph—Constant-Hydration Method: The Chopin Alveograph; Theoretical Aspects of Bubble Inflation and New Applications to Dough Rheology; The Alveograph Procedure; Modifications of the Alveograph Procedure; Interpretation of the Alveogram; Factors Influencing Alveograms; Calibration. Part II. Recent Modifications of the Chopin Alveograph: The Chopin Consistograph; Adapted Hydration: A Modern Way of Understanding Alveographs. Part III. Supplementary Information: Maintenance and Troubleshooting. Appendix 1. Main Alveograph Parts; Appendix 2. Selected References Concerning the Alveograph; Index.
© AACC International PRESS 2008; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 86 pages; 123 black and white illustrations; ISBN 978-1-891127-56-4; (1 pound); Item No. 27564